
Setting Up

Life Logs

I decided between techy posts and projects I will try to do smaller “life logs” talking about many subjects at once in a micro blogging collage, you’ll be able to find a list of em under the categories tag.

Blocks and Styles

My current main project I have been working on is the two sections of

The Blog

This first and most immediately obvious is the themeing for this blog, I have opted to use Chirpy for Jekyll for this blog. I chose Chirpy due to it’s nice mobile version and the way it displays tags, next up will be working on a nicer way to create posts. Currently I have Jekyll Compose Installed, but I am writing in VSCode with no spellchecker.

The Site

While is still in a bit of a rough state, it at least looks like something now. Photo of my site's almost blank home page I am building the main site using 11ty with a Github Action of questionable quality. While I am not going to be directing people to the base domain yet as the blog is currently the main focus, I still want there to be something of interest.

Github’s Oopsie

A day ago (now two because midnight rolled over) Github had a major outage at around 8:26PM ET, this happened as I was trying to link someone to a Github Issue on the Resonite repo. Error page of Github saying "No server is currently available to service your request"

That’s all

That is all for this short blog post, I hope to maybe figure out some sort of comment section system in the future. Thanks for reading!

This post is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by the author.