
Floods and DNS

The flood

I wanted to work more on my WIP Godot game, but it has been a chaotic two days with my room being mildly flooded last night.

How did your room get flooded idiot?

Surprisingly this is not my fault at all, someone in my household left a sink on for possibly hours in the room next to me and all the water went downhill through the wall into my room. It was a slow realization as I was playing VR after I helped clean up the water that made it into the halls, I felt a wet spot below my foot and noticed everywhere I put pressure started filling with water.

No more floor!

Sadly to clean up the mass amount of water we had to fully remove my room’s floor, meaning I am currently writing this from ontop of the house’s concrete foundation.


I have spent what is left of today after work playing around with web urls. As you may notice this site’s url is “”, the blog section of the url is what is known as a “sub domain”. I have recently been playing around with giving sub domains sub domains and I made a very long domain: (https pending…)

Closing out

I wanted this blog post to be longer but my energy is spent so I am going to call it in for the night, thank you for reading as always!!!

This post is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by the author.